
Don’t Upgrade Crypo Hopper Trading Bot Until You See This

In this video we talk about the automation trading bot called crypto hopper where I dive into how I’m changing my subscription and how I can hopefully help save you some money!

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11 gedachten over “Don’t Upgrade Crypo Hopper Trading Bot Until You See This”

  1. Autoview for the price leaves CH in the dust, 4.99 per exchange per month with signals from Tradingview that will make you a better trader you will have to pay for trading view

  2. question, when backtesting , the results does not show the coin chart your testing and max profits always show zero, suggestions please

  3. Has anyone tried Arbitrage (only on Kangaroo)? I assume you would want money on two different exchanges for that, but would that mean 2 Kangaroo hoppers?

  4. could you run 3 x bunny hopper on one exchange just choose different coins?

  5. do not upgrade to the $99 package I did for two months and was just as slow as the low end package do your own buying works better work the order book which this bot cannot do is great to cover you at work.

  6. You actually are able to have different candle sizes for individual pairings, it must be set up through the backtesting tool. When you find the setting you like, deploy it and the candle size is saved and applied to the selected coin.

  7. think you are probably right about using the bunny trial. I will probably use the bunny on another exchange but keep hare open on binance. thanks for the info and let's make a "shitload of money"!

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